Common Errors and Troubleshooting

Here are some errors and how to troubleshoot them:

  • When you encounter errors running the app
    • Run yarn clean:ios or yarn clean:android.
    • This will clear the cache and reinstall the native dependecies.
  • When running the iOS command, if you get the error Could not delete [...]/build' because it was not created by the build system.
    • Delete the build folder manually.
  • Error: You have not agreed to the Xcode license.
    • Please resolve this by running the command below:
        sudo xcodebuild -license accept
    • Add your system password and click enter. If it doesn’t show any errors then you have agreed to the license.
  • Error: command not found: yarn
    • Solution: If you get the above error, ensure that you’re using the recommended node version in your code editor. To confirm this, enter the command below into the terminal:
        node -v
    • If you previously installed yarn with Homebrew. Enter the command below in your terminal to reinstall yarn.
        brew reinstall yarn
  • Error: zsh: command not found: pod

    To fix the above error, ensure Cocoapods is installed by following the steps in Cocoapods Guides or enter the commands below in your terminal;

        cd ..
        gem install cocoapods
        bundle install
        cd ios
        pod install
    • Note: This can take a while to install;
    • The response should look like this:
      Generating Pods project
      Setting REACT_NATIVE build settings
      Setting CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD to c++17 on ${user}/swallet/ios/rifWallet.xcodeproj
      Pod install took 1388 [s] to run
      Integrating client project
      Pod installation complete! There are 80 dependencies from the Podfile and 87 total pods installed.
  • Error: "Your session has expired. Please log in."
    Error Domain=DVTPortalServiceErrorDomain Code=1100 "Your session has expired. Please log in." UserInfo={payload={ Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.InterfaceBuilderBuildSupport.PlatformDefinition
    info Installing " ${user}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/rifWallet-bqottdlrtstkufgidrxcfpiupnsr/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/"
    info Launching "co.rsk.rifwallet.test"
    success Successfully launched the app on the simulator
    Done in 593.27s.
    • If you get this error, ensure you’re logged into Apple by opening Xcode -> Settings -> Accounts -> Select the user related to the project -> Manage Certificates and then press the "+" button on the bottom left to update the certificate.
  • Error: “Unexpected token '?'”
    • If you encounter the error below, use the fix options below:
    Node found at: /Users/${user}/.nvm/versions/node/v12.18.2/bin/node
        cmd.option(, opt.description ?? '', opt.parse || (val => val), typeof opt.default === 'function' ? opt.default(rest[0]) : opt.default);
    SyntaxError: Unexpected token '?'
    • The above error is a problem with your node version, ensure your default node version is set to use node v16+. To fix this, we will add v16+ to our source file: .zshrc so the build can use this version of node when running
    • Execute the following commands;
    • Open the terminal, ensure you’re in the home directory. Copy and paste the following commands into the terminal
    nano .zshrc
    • Write your current node version to zshrc.
    nvm use v16.18.0
    • Write a file by clicking ^O.
    • Then Click Enter:
    • RIF Wallet on bash
    • Exit terminal using ^X on Mac
    • To ensure VSCode terminal recognizes this new version of node, type the following into your VSCode terminal. The source reloads the commands in the .zshrc file.
    source ~/.zshrc
    Now using node v16.18.0 (npm v8.19.2)
  • Error: revert Token contract not allowed
    • This is related to the tokenContract used to pay for the relayed transaction. Ensure token used for tx is on the list of added tokens in RIF Relay.

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